Help Us Abolish the ATF!

Joe Biden is unleashing on gun owners, signing an Executive Orders that redefine what a gun dealer it, that makes felons out of gun owners who own unregistered pistol braces, even attacking gun owners who own 80% lowers in some cases! This is the kind of tyranny that our forefathers warned us about!

The ATF is salivating over the chance to terrorize law abiding gun owners with midnight raids that are designed to terrify your family, as though you’re a dangerous criminal.

The same ATF agents who arms Mexican drug cartels and are too scared to go after real criminals, have no problem being Biden’s shock troops in the war against the Second Amendment.

That’s why Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz has filed H.R.374, legislation that would abolish the ATF and close its doors forever!

Other pro-gun champions in Congress like Paul Gosar (R-AZ), and Eric Burlison (R-MO) are already co-sponsoring this legislation. Now it’s time James Baird, Jim Banks, Larry Bucshon, Erin Houchin, Greg Pence, Victoria Spartz, and Rudy Yakym stand with them.

Sign your OFFICIAL PETITION calling on them to co-sponsor and publicly champion this legislation. Gun owners elected a pro-gun majority in the House last year and we want them to fight for us. Now’s the time!  

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of the Indiana Firearms Coalition so that we can keep fighting for you in Indianapolis and in D.C.! You can get involved at!