⚠️⚠️ Biden is Trying to Bribe Indiana to EXPAND Red Flag Laws…

⚠️⚠️ Biden is Trying to Bribe Indiana to EXPAND Red Flag Laws…

Tuesday, July 25th, 2023



The State of Indiana has recently received millions of dollars from the Biden DOJ through a program designed to fund the expansion of ‘Red Flag’ laws!

Of course, ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ allow liberal judges to order the confiscations of your guns before you’ve been arrested, charged, or convicted of anything!

Many of you have questions.

How much money did Indiana receive?

What federal program did this come from?

Is this a one-time deal, or will Biden tempt Indiana with more?

To answer these questions (and several additional questions) we’ve produced a video update that I hope you’ll watch. While you’re watching it, please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

The only thing that virtually all politicians have in common is an inability to refuse ‘free’ money from the government.

This initial payment is just the start. If we don’t push back hard, more moderate members of the legislature will begin to push for expanding ‘Red Flag’ laws in exchange for millions!

Help us stop this! Sign your petition telling your State Senator and State Representative to oppose any expansion of ‘Red Flag’ laws.


There’s more at stake than just stopping ‘Red Flags’ here in Indiana. If one more ‘red’ state keeps expanding on this gun control, Biden will use that in state capitols across the country as momentum.

We must hold the line.

Please sign your petition and then make a donation to help us fight back against this legislation!

<<< CHIP IN $17.76 TODAY! >>>

Please take a moment to forward this email/video to every gun owner you know and urge them to join the fight for freedom!  

For Indiana,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Indiana Firearms Coalition
