Indiana: H.R. 2392 Would Get Innocent People Killed!

Indiana: H.R. 2392 Would Get Innocent People Killed!

Thursday, April 27th, 2023



While Joe Biden is desperately trying to ban and confiscate AR-15s and pass a national gun registry into law, his team is actively working on their Plan B ‘just in case.’

Biden’s handlers want a win to trot out before Biden runs for re-election in 2024…and they can’t come up empty-handed.

That’s why Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) — one of Biden’s leading allies in the House — has recently filed H.R. 2392, which would mandate a national waiting period on all firearms transfers!

But make no mistake: that’s not all this bill would do.

H.R. 2392 will also get innocent people killed.

<<< HELP US DEFEAT HR 2391! >>>

This is no exaggeration.

Rep. Slotkin’s bill makes it a FELONY to buy and take possession of a firearm without waiting seven days first.

So if you give your adult daughter a Glock 9mm without waiting seven days because she’s being stalked and is in fear of being raped or even murdered — you’d be facing a felony charge!

If you loan a friend a shotgun to keep in his business because he’s concerned about a rash of armed robberies, and you don’t wait seven days first — you’d be facing a felony charge! 

If you buy a firearm for home defense to defend your loved ones (think 2020’s Summer of Rage) without waiting the mandatory seven days — you’d be facing a felony charge!

This isn’t theory.

Millions of Americans bought guns for the first time in 2020, desperate to protect themselves from the violent street protestors who rioted, burned, and shot their way across the country. That would have been impossible if H.R. 2392 was law.

<<< HELP US DEFEAT HR 2391! >>>

I understand that if you’re reading this email you already own multiple firearms, maybe dozens of firearms.

But before you toss this email aside thinking that a seven-day waiting period wouldn’t leave you in jeopardy, understand that when your children or grandchild grow up, this will impact them!  

 Biden and his handlers understand that they are engaged in a war for the future of America.

And while they want big wins (like banning AR-15s) they would love to pass H.R. 2392 if they can get away with it.

That’s why it’s critical that you sign your petition so that Senators Young and Braun and your Congressman know that you are 100% opposed to any bill that forces waiting periods on us!

And, before you do, I hope you’ll allow me to mention one more thing.

In just a couple of weeks, we’ll be hitting the summer season where our cash on hand will plummet as gun owners are enjoying vacations, Little League games, and time in the outdoors.

But while that’s happening, the gun control battle will still be raging in Congress just like it was last summer, when Biden passed a major ‘Red Flag’ funding bill.

It’s critical that we have the ammo we need to maintain the fight. So after you sign your petition, please make a donation so that the Indiana Firearms Coalition can fight back against this bill.

<<< FIGHT BACK AGAINST H.R. 2392; DONATE $100! >>>

<<< FIGHT BACK AGAINST H.R. 2392; DONATE $75! >>>

<<< FIGHT BACK AGAINST H.R. 2392; DONATE $50! >>>

<<< FIGHT BACK AGAINST H.R. 2392; DONATE $25! >>>

<<< FIGHT BACK AGAINST H.R. 2392; DONATE $10! >>>

This bill is picking up steam. Make sure that your Congressman knows exactly where you stand before it’s too late!

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Indiana Firearms Coalition

P.S. H.R. 2392 would make it a felony for you to buy a firearm without going through a 7-day waiting period!

And that means if your loved ones are attacked or killed by a violent criminal because you’re still waiting to pick up your gun, that’s a price that Joe Biden would happily let you pay.

<<< HELP US DEFEAT HR 2392! >>>

Once you’ve signed your petition, please consider a donation of any amount so that we can sound the alarm on this bill.

Last summer was when Biden sprung his gun control on America! We need to be able to mobilize as many gun owners as possible. So please make a donation NOW!
